
Stop Trying to Be Perfect

I have a dangerous obsession with self-improvement. My go-to reading material is self-help books and articles that teach me how to eat better, pray better, feel better, and live better. I'm on a constant quest to be my best self, and while that's important for personal growth and achievement, it has never allowed me to… Continue reading Stop Trying to Be Perfect

Culture · Single Life and Dating

You’re Not Wasting Your Best Years

I have a lot of existential crises--like, way too many. My most recent emotionally-charged mental breakdown was triggered when I saw the new sequel to "Mamma Mia!" this past weekend. I'm not even kidding. Mamma Mia, guys. In between jamming out to my all-time favorite ABBA songs (best feel-good music in the history of ever),… Continue reading You’re Not Wasting Your Best Years

Single Life and Dating

Coffee Dates with Jesus

Every time I heard the phrase "dating Jesus," I would die a little inside, cringing with discomfort as my mind flashed back to outdated Confirmation retreat videos where turtle-necked women with feathered hair realized the mysterious stranger across from them at the dinner table was actually the risen Lord. Yikes. Dating Jesus? Is that even allowed? Well… Continue reading Coffee Dates with Jesus

Self-improvement · Single Life and Dating

Finding God in the Silence

I am a person who gets bored easily--with clothes, coffee flavors, people & places, stages of my life. I leave rooms too soon when nothing interesting is happening instead of waiting out the quiet for a shared moment to emerge. I flip channels like a cheetah and throw half-read books back on the shelf without… Continue reading Finding God in the Silence


That Sin You Can’t Shake

You know that one sin that always catches you in your best moments and causes you to fall again? That one that keeps showing up in every confession, or maybe that one you know you need to confess but you're too embarrassed to admit it? That one that makes you feel like you're not a… Continue reading That Sin You Can’t Shake

Single Life and Dating

Praying for Your Future Husband

As a lover of cheesy rom-coms, tear-jerking "how we met" stories, and corny love song lyrics, I have always been excited by the idea that God has designed a man who is meant to marry and cherish me. Over the past few years, I've been bringing my romantic notions before the Lord, channeling the desires… Continue reading Praying for Your Future Husband

Self-improvement · Single Life and Dating

Seasons of Loneliness

I spent the past 4 months studying abroad in the incredible city of Galway, Ireland, and though I had a great semester of fun adventures and friendships, I experienced a new road bump in my relationship with God: loneliness. It wasn't a similar feeling to the loneliness that I had ever experienced before, which usually… Continue reading Seasons of Loneliness